Enoch Doyle Jeter {Printmaking and Lithography}
About Enoch "Doyle" Jeter
Born in Jena, Louisiana USA
Bachelor of Arts, Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe
Master of Fine Arts, Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico
Printmaking Instructor and Artist in Residence, University of Louisiana – Monroe
Public and Private Collections: USA, Ireland, Venezuela, Canada, Holland, Bali-Indonesia,
Germany, Puerto Rico, etc.
Numerous Exhibitions, 1971 to Present
Praise for She Loves You illustrations:
Images of The Beatles, as seen through an historic, academic textbook, though illusive, layered and dreamlike! What a century! - Lynda Benglis, Artist, New York City
Lithographer-printmaker, Doyle Jeter, has captured both the grittiness and whimsical origins of The Beatles and Liverpool in these magical renderings of “The Lads”…Brilliant work!
– Bobby Bridger, Author-Musician-Artist, Houston, Texas
The songs and humour of Liverpool’s most celebrated son come to life in Doyle Jeter’s conversant depictions drawn on lithographic stone. Beautiful, playful and sensitive scenes that disclose something new every time I look at them! – Mairtin de Cogain, Musician-Actor-Seanachia, County Cork, Ireland
Doyle provides a wonderful, magical mystery tour of images for Jude’s new book, She Loves You. The illustrations capture an edgy, dark atmosphere that was the Beatles’ Liverpool of the 1960’s.
– Susan Cowsill, Singer-songwriter, “The Cowsills,” New Orleans, Louisiana
When I first conceived The John Lennon Series, my dream was to have a chapter told via artwork only - to express a part of John’s story in his other medium, art. As a student of Liverpool College of Art, and as a distinguished artist in “his own write,” John would have loved Doyle’s out-of-the-box, symbolic, thoughtful collages that make up the 14 lithographs in this book. Without saying a word, the reader knows each song on With the Beatles Intimately – through Doyle’s art. These lithographs are magical! The are ALL my favourites! – Jude Southerland Kessler, Author of The John Lennon Series*, Monroe, Louisiana.
Poppi’s drawings are cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah! – Charlie and John Calvin, Grandsons
*For more information and to order books from The John Lennon Series,
visit Jude's site here.